
Hi, my name is Steven and I love to build things.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve strived to better understand the technology around me. Curiosity is what brought me onto the path of software engineering, and what drives me forward on the journey of perpetual learning this field presents.
I have a passion for building scalable applications, and love finding elegant & efficient solutions to complex problems.

When I'm not coding, I like to pursue my passions in comedy as a performer, and travel the world.

Chicago, Il
Columbia College Chicago
App Academy


  • JavaScript

  • React

  • Redux

  • Python

  • AWS

  • Express

  • Node

  • jQuery

  • CSS

  • HTML

  • Git

  • Heroku

  • PostgreSQL

  • Flask

  • C#

  • TypeScript

  • SQL alchemy


resume screenshot


RobinHoops is a full stack stock trading platform that allows you to, invest in your real dreams, your hoopdreams. It is a clone of stock trading app RobinHood, but instead of buying and selling boring stocks you can buy sell your favorite NBA teams and players.

  • Backend — Flask, Python, PostgreSQL, SQLalchemy, Falsk-APScheduler
  • Frontend — React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS/i>


Sound Town is a music-sharing platform where users can upload and share music, customize playlists, and comment on songs. Sound Town is a clone of SoundCloud.